Today Little Bub is sixteen months old. It seems like we just had his birthday! During Little Bub's first year, I took a picture each month as he grew. I thought I would continue that as he grew, at least until his second birthday, but it's hard to find the time. Also, his baby book doesn't have entries for those months, yet I feel like they should because he is still learning so much each month and growing so fast that I feel like I won't remember all of it!
So this is going to be my baby book entry for 16 months of new things since his last entry.
Sleeping patterns: 7/8 PM-7 AM; 1 nap per day about 1.5-2 hours
Eating habits: Breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner; will try just about anything; often eats whole grilled cheese sandwiches, slices of pizza and pancakes
Favorite foods: peaches, pears, string cheese, yogurt, pizza, pancakes, bananas, lunch meat, grilled cheese, and BREAD (especially garlic bread)
New foods: hot dogs, Chinese food, pulled pork, Chef Boyardee Ravioli
New skills: walking, riding the tricycle, using the potty, shape sorting, following directions, swimming without any adult help, climbing into little rocking chair, flushing the toilet, feeding self with a fork
New words/signs: Nap, bath, blowing kisses, eat, more, drink, mama, milk, uh-oh, hot, brrr, yuck
Favorite activities: playing with Frankie (the dog), helping wash the dishes, reading books, looking out the window, coloring (read hoarding crayons), playing kitchen, throwing balls
And we can't forget his first haircut!!!
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